Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Couple Of Tips On Setting Goals

Accomplishing your goals while starting an internet business is a matter of getting from ‘here’ to ‘there’.

Most large and long-term goals are made up of smaller, short-term goals or objectives. Once you have written down your long-term goals and broken them down into smaller components, it’s time to identify the action steps that will move you toward accomplishing them.

Do NOT proceed with developing action plans for your goals unless you have been very specific about what you want to accomplish and why. Otherwise, you’ll just end up wasting your time.

Identify Clear Action Steps for Each Goal

Start with one long-term goal and its corresponding short-term goals. Action steps generally fall into two categories. The first pertains to planning and preparation, such as researching and educating yourself on the “how to”. The second category involves taking action to implement a step in your planning process.

When you begin to implement your action plans, be careful to avoid letting yourself become consumed by the planning and preparation steps. In order to get results you must put that knowledge into action.

What is important to focus and push forward on are productive action steps; the actions taken that will yield the greatest results.

You will want to identify action steps to be taken daily, weekly, and monthly.

Your Daily actions will be those actions you will do every day. Examples: post to your blog; comment on other people’s blogs and in forums; do keyword/niche/market research; work on the article you publish each week, etc.

Weekly actions are usually a bit larger in scope and take a little longer to complete. They would include things like publishing your article to article directories; finding new affiliate products to market; learning to write sales copy, etc. You may also have to take daily action to complete each of your weekly steps.

Monthly actions are those steps you will do to keep yourself on track. How well did what you do lead toward accomplishing your goal? Are there any steps or goals the need to be changed or updated?

Remember, working toward the achievement of your online marketing goals is a process – you can’t take action just once and hope it works. To attain most goals will require consistent and persistent effort and specific action steps taken day after day, week after week, and month after month!

More On This Subject Can Be Found In This Amazing FREE Report: “The Importance Of Goal Setting When Starting Your Own Online Business”. Click Here To Get It NOW!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Build an Online Business - Start with Your Dreams

Before you ever start the process to build an online business, you must first identify what motivates you to want to. If you have clearly defined goals and dreams it will be much easier for you to remain motivated as you work toward your objectives. You will discover that one of the most difficult things you have to do is maintain your focus as you begin your journey in online marketing. You will probably be bombarded with offers of buy this, subscribe to that, join here, download this from other online marketers all promising that without this, that and the other you have no real chance of success. If you have a set of clearly defined goals you will know what you need to have, when, and make keeping your focus much easier to accomplish.

You Should Have Big Dreams

Having dreams for what you want to accomplish will be an absolute necessity that will keep you striving for success. As you identify your dreams don’t try to limit yourself in thinking about what you want. As you envision the future you want for yourself and family, remember that as far as dreams and ambitions are concerned nothing is impossible.

So... do you know what dreams you want to fulfill by running a successful Internet marketing business? Perhaps a dream is to fire your boss and retire from your job as soon as practical, or maybe it's just developing an additional income that will allow you to really enjoy your annual vacations. Maybe you want to be able to afford your child's future college education if they decide to attend, or is it just to know that their current pre-school tuition is covered? Is there a dream car you've always wanted, or would simply having the money to put gasoline in your current one be enough for now? Is there that perfect house on your favorite lake you want to buy, or would you be happy just knowing your current rent/mortgage is paid on time each month?

Your dreams are yours and no one else’s. They can be anything and everything you want them to be. The dreams you have today may change or grow or expand over time as you begin to accomplish some, or all, of them.

Having dreams provides you with a reason and something to work toward. You are going to face some tough times and challenges as you build an online business. Keeping your dreams clearly established in your mind, and on paper, will enable you to push through those difficult times. Your dreams will provide you with the drive to work toward accomplishing those things you really want in life.

No matter what dreams you may have, it is extremely important for your success that you have some.